team with hands together
We did the research,
so you don't have to.

After doing decades of research on abortion decision-making, Vitae Foundation wanted to make that research accessible to the world so that together, we can make abortion unthinkable.

That’s why we created the Vitae Research Institute. To equip you with evidence-based research you can use in daily battles against the culture of death.

So that's exactly
what we did

Vitae Foundation’s research revealed the emotional reasons why women choose abortion. Using this research, we tested new messages, and something amazing happened.

So here we are.   
We created the Vitae Research Institute as a mechanism to share our research study findings immediately so that we can defeat misinformation and make abortion unthinkable.

Knowing what to say is
the hardest part.

The work of the Pro-Life Movement has been tremendous and has saved countless lives, but our research showed us that a paradigm shift was needed in how we speak about abortion in today’s culture.

We saw results in a BIG way.    Pregnancy Centers across the nation who used our research saw a BOOM in client connections. That’s when we knew we had to share this with the whole world!
Vitae Research Institute Logo
Vitae Vault Logo
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Are you a pregnancy center?

Verified Pregnancy Centers can join Vitae Vault to be a part of a community of pregnancy centers across the world that can unite under the same mission, to empower women to choose life. Vitae Vault provides research-backed strategies to help centers reach more women with services, increase confidence, and allow more time to focus on their needs.


Access Vitae Vault by signing up today!
