3 Questions You Might Be Asking About Abortion Pill Reversal

You may have heard of Abortion Pill Reversal. Yes, it’s a thing! After a woman takes an abortion pill, it begins working to block progesterone production (progesterone helps sustain the pregnancy). However, if a woman changes her mind within the first seventy-two hours after taking the abortion pill, she can reverse the process by reintroducing progesterone, so the pregnancy continues.
According to Guttmacher Institute, 63% of abortions are done using abortion pills. But check this out, 4,000 lives have been saved because of Abortion Pill Reversal.
If you’re not sold yet and have heard some things, we’re here to help clear things up.
1. Is Abortion Pill Reversal based on “Junk Science”?
Abortion Pill Reversal is based on the idea of giving your body back the naturally produced progesterone that was stripped by the first abortion pill. In fact, according to the Lozier Institute, “When administered within about 3 days of taking mifepristone [the first abortion pill], the APR protocol has a 64%-68% success rate in saving unborn babies.” One of the women who received treatment was regretting her initial abortion decision and was looking for a way to stop what had started when she found the abortion pill reversal hotline. “I remember walking into that ultrasound room with no hope and thinking [the baby] was already gone. I heard the nurse say, ‘There it is.’ I said, ‘It’s alive!!!’ The entire room filled with joy, and it was such a magical moment that changed everything for me. The Abortion Pill Reversal not only saved my child’s life but saved [my life] as well.”
Check out more success stories here.
2. Is Abortion Pill Reversal Safe?
We’ve heard claims that the abortion pills are safer than medications like Tylenol, which isn’t true. You know what is true? The abortion pill reversal is MUCH safer than Tylenol because there haven’t been any complications, and there is no apparent increase in birth defects. The APR regimen uses progesterone to counteract the effects of the abortion pill. The American Association of Pro-Life OBGYNS compares the process to the same scientific principle used in poison control. “In the case of [the abortion pill], (the poison), the specific antidote is the natural hormone progesterone.”
The reversal reintroduces the progesterone that is needed to continue the pregnancy. Progesterone is something that is naturally occurring in your body, and it has been in the works to help women with high risk for miscarriages for over fifty years, with the first trial dating back to 1953. Clearly, the evidence is out there that abortion pill reversal is not only safe, but it’s all natural, too!
3. How does someone start Abortion Pill Reversal?
As soon as an expectant mother calls the Abortion Pill Reversal hotline, the process is started. The on-call professional will ask them some questions first to get a basic understanding of the situation and to make sure that a reversal is still possible. Once they have gathered the appropriate information, a woman is connected with the closest doctor or medical provider to start treatment as soon as possible.
The most successful reversals are those where treatment starts within 24 hours of taking the first abortion pill. However, there are still successful cases where women took the reversal seventy-two hours after the abortion pill. To determine the amount of progesterone to prescribe, the doctor will conduct an ultrasound. Most women stay on this treatment plan for the first trimester of pregnancy and will stay in contact with their doctor to help everything run as smoothly as possible.
The science shows, and time has shown that APR absolutely works, is safe, and is accessible.