Body Literacy Resources

FEMM logo


FEMM provides a complete solution for women’s reproductive health backed by decades of research.

Elevate logo


Elevate is a one-of-a-kind on-demand course designed to equip PMC staff with expert knowledge related to body literacy and full-scope family planning.

Facts about fertility logo

FACTS About Fertility

FACTS is a group of physicians, healthcare professionals, and educators working together to provide information about natural or fertility awareness based methods of family planning with the medical community.

Happy Girls Guide cover

The Happy Girl’s Guide to Being Whole

Teresa Kenney walks you through the basic knowledge of your female body—everything you never knew. A book co-branded by Vitae Foundation and Guiding Star perfect for college-aged and adult women.

Guiding star Cycle show logo

The Cycle Show

The Cycle Show Workshop is an educational, interactive, multi-media, fertility awareness workshop for young girls, ages 10-13 provided by Guiding Star Project.