Healthcare and Planned Parenthood
The findings from Vitae Foundation’s study, Saving Grace: Examining the Planned Parenthood Brand, reveal both positive and negative feelings, experiences and attitudes toward the Planned Parenthood brand and the “healthcare” offered there.

Life-Saving Right Brain Research
This article examines Vitae Foundation’s research study Abortion—The Least of Three Evils as well as Paul Swope’s article about it which was published in First Things.

Abortion: A Failure to Communicate
This article examines Vitae Foundation’s Abortion—The Least of Three Evils research study which helped understand why women who believe abortion is morally wrong can accept it under certain circumstances.

A New Understanding of the Trauma of Abortion
This article published by American Thinker examines Vitae Foundation’s Abortion—The Least of Three Evils research study and is authored by Charles Kenny and Paul Swope.

Saving Grace: The Planned Parenthood Brand & Branding PHCs
This article examines Vitae Foundation’s Saving Grace research study which found that the Planned Parenthood customer can generally be divided into two categories: younger women in their fertile years and the “legacy customer,” a previous Planned Parenthood customer who now refers, and in many cases, facilitates a younger sister or friend obtaining their services.